Dr. Antonio Meldaña
Doctors | Dr. Antonio Meldaña
Specialist in pelvic floor physiotherapy and chronic pain, with 20 years’ experience. Among many other training courses he studied the official master of study and treatment of pain at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid for which he has been a Doctor of Physiotherapy (PhD) since 2017. Specialist and trainer in functional ultrasound in abdominal and perineal dysfunctions.
Dr. Meldaña has had excellent medical
training and specialized in pelvic floor.
Professional Experience
2007 – Present
Director of PELVICUS Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Unit, Urology Service
San Rafael Hospital
2007 – Present
Physiotherapist specialized in uogineproctology and pain
San Rafael Urological Group SLP
2015 – Present
Director of pelvic floor physiotherapy and gynecology unit
Montepríncipe University Hospital
2005 – Present
Postgraduate University Professor
University of Málaga, Europea, Alcalá de Henares, Castilla la Mancha. Travell & Simons Seminars.
Academic Background
Diploma in Physiotherapy
European University
PhD in Physiotherapy King
Juan Carlos University
Dr. Antonio Meldaña
and specialization
Awards and Accreditations
Speaker in different national and international congresses, honorary prize
SEFFIP (Spanish Society of Physiotherapy in Pelviperineology)
3rd prize for the best paper in the international congress
RUSI (Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging)