Dr. Jesús Merello
General Surgery
Doctors | Dr. Jesús Merello
Head of the General Surgery and Gastroenterology unit at Quirónsalud Madrid, he has extensive experience as a specialist in Hepatobiliary surgery and oncology.
Considered one of the best European specialists in the field of laparoscopic and minimally invasive robotic surgery.
Head of the General Surgery and
Gastroenterology unit at Quirónsalud Madrid
Professional Experience
2015 – Present
Head of the Digestive System Uni
Quriónsalud Hospital Madrid
2005 – 2015
Head of service
Sanitas La Moraleja Hospital Madrid
1996 – 2005
Clinical lead for General Surgery
ICE Specialties Center of Sanitas, Madrid
Academic Background
Stay at Babco Lab
Richmond, California. USA.
Stay at Riverview Regional Hospital stay
Alabama, USA.
1995 – 1997
Member of the European Advisory Board
For the development of laparoscopic techniques and instrumentation.
Attending Physician
Autónoma University of Madrid.
Dr. Jesús Merello, Knowledge and
Professor of Laparoscopic Surgery
Marbella, Andalusia
32 Participations
International congresses
4th European Advisory Board Meeting Attendees
Zermatt, Switzerland