Plastic surgery. Gender Unit

Bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy is surgery in which the mammary glands are removed to obtain a male torso. 100% satisfactory results. The patient will have the outcome desired.
Depending on the type of breast that you have, the technique that will be applied will be different. Your original breast will always be adapted to what you need and how you want it.

Treatment characteristics

Who is this kind of treatment for?
This treatment is recommended for those adults with documented gender dysphoria who have undergone the necessary psychological evaluations and hormonal treatments to reach the final transition stage.
How is the treatment performed?
This surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and usually takes between 5 to 7 hours.
The intervention consists of;
– Making some incisions around the areola
– Remove the breast tissue through the incisions.
– Excess skin is removed.
– The skin is sutured to the areolas.
After your time in the recovery room, you will be taken up to the ward, where you will stay for one night. On the ward you will receive the necessary care and rehabilitation to facilitate your discharge and return home.
What is the result of the treatment?
The result is a defined, breast free, male torso.
What recovery time do I need in Spain?
If everything goes well, you can return to your country once the stitches are removed, which will be approximately 10 days post surgery. However, if you are able to stay in Spain longer, you should ideally remain for three or four weeks in order to monitor your progress. You will be reach full recovery in two to four months.

Relevant information


  • Obtain a masculine torso
  • Emotional stability
  • Transformation according to your sexual identity
  • Increased self-esteem


  • Reaction to the anaesthesia
  • Infection

Treatment itinerary

Before treatment

  • Check that you have prepared all the personal documentation (credit card, cash, passport, Identity Card…), medical (reports, prescriptions, images…) and travel (confirmation of accommodation booking, travel tickets…)​
  • If you take medication of any kind not related to the surgery, do not forget to take with you the necessary amount for your stay in Spain, as well as the medical prescription that will allow you to travel with it without problems.​

During treatment

  • Once you are in Spain, you will have to make an appointment with your specialist. During this visit, the doctor will open your medical record (for which you will be asked to provide all your medical documentation), perform a physical examination and tell you if any further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.
  • If it is not necessary and everything is confirmed, your doctor will tell you when you must go to the preoperative study and will confirm the time of admission for the day of your surgery.
  • If the surgeon has told you to stop taking any medication a few days before the surgery, such as anticoagulants, please do not forget to follow the exact instructions given by the doctor or you will not be able to have the operation!
  • The same goes for any fasting that the doctor indicates, if you do not comply – You will not be able to have the surgery either.
  • Durante la intervención se coloca un drenaje en cada pecho para facilitar la salida de líquidos retenidos de la zona operada y evitar así su acúmulo (hematomas, hernias…). Estos drenajes son retirados a las 48 horas. Después, el paciente deberá usar una faja, banda o camiseta compresiva durante tres o cuatro semanas según valore el equipo médico. Esta banda compresiva evita la formación de hematomas y facilita el modelaje y la adhesión de la piel en el lugar adecuado. A los 4 o 5 días de la intervención el paciente podrá volver a su vida habitual, siempre y cuando evite sobreesfuerzos y coger peso. Para que el proceso de cicatrización sea el adecuado, el paciente deberá evitar tomar el sol durante un año como mínimo y/o utilizar un protector solar con pantalla total, según le aconseje su médico.

After treatment

  • After a mastectomy you will need to wear a compression bandage for approximately one month, it is also recommended that you wait at least that long before sleeping on your side. Within two or three days after the operation, the drains will be removed.
  • You must not lift or overexert yourself or perform exercises involving chest movement such as running, jumping etc. you must also avoid impact sports.
  • You should follow the instructions given to you by your doctor and the expert physiotherapists to start walking; do not forget that you will need to use crutches so as not to overload the joint and you should avoid any physical overexertion such as from running, carrying weight, sudden rotations or doing impact sports.
  • Remember that your recovery time will vary depending on your age, your physical condition, your lifestyle habits and your attitude.
  • Keep in mind that your successful recovery also depends on you!

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